Friday, May 4, 2012

How Much Do They Notice?

How much do our kids really notice?  A LOT?  A little?  Somewhere in between? 

I am one of those people that pray a lot during the day, a whole lot!  Actually, I hope that I do as the Bible states and pray without ceasing, but as I am so busy during the day I am sure this is not accomplished by me (as I would like to think I use to do).  Today, as a busy Mom of two, I do not always bow my head or even pray out loud; actually, I mostly pray while cooking ,cleaning or doing some other task, but I do often catch myself whispering, "In Jesus' Name, Amen".

What is so very fun to notice these days are the two small voices that follow me around all day long say in chime with me, "In Jesus' Name, Amen".  Even though I did not notice them watching me, they were and are watching me, and I am impacting them much more than I know!

What a fun gift from heaven.

And here is a picture of those two small voices while blowing bubbles :)

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