Sunday, September 13, 2009

Just When Things Were Going Well

Just when things were going well with Mackenzie's sleep routine and sleep habits it all cam crashing down. Remember 3 weeks ago when she was sick for 5 days, then I was sick for 5 days; a total of 10 days thrown off our routine? Well, that did it.

Before then Mackenzie had been going to bed on her own every evening and sleeping through the night. No problem. She even enjoyed the routine. It was wonderful.

Since then, she S-C-R-E-A-M-S, throws tantrums, stays up ALL NIGHT screaming for Mommy to hold her or to sleep with Mommy. We went to the well-baby exam and everything was great. The doctor said there was no physical sign for her getting up at night, so it is a terrible case of the 'I Want's' that was reinforced when she was sick (because Mommy held her and she slept with me during those 10 days. Uggg. Apparently that was a mistake on my part). So her old bedtime routine makes her mad and she just throws a tantrum; that is until today.

Yes, today is a NEW DAY. That's right. We are going to do what we did the first go round and get Mackenzie sleeping in her own bed all night again. It only took 2, almost 3 nights to accomplish her new routine last time, so I am PRAYING that it only takes 1 or 2 nights this time since she knows what we are doing and where we are going with all of this.

I don't believe in the full Cry-It-Out method, but I do believe in a very structured routine that starts at the same time and ends with her in bed at the same time every night. Also, if she cries I believe in allowing her to cry for up to 5 minutes then reassuring her that we are here and we love her, but everyone is sleepy and it is bed time.

PLEASE PRAY with us. We need all the help we can get.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's so hard! I'm so sorry and hope things are getting better. I'm going now to read the night 1 and 2 posts...


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