Sunday, February 28, 2010

Katy Rodeo

My Mom purchased tickets for all of us to go to the Katy Rodeo last night, and we had a great time. Shortly after we arrived we went down to the 'Stick Horse' table and Mom/Nani let Mackenzie pick out her very own stick horse to love and to keep and to raise. Minus our efforts to get her to pick out the horse with pink and green hair she choose a very stylish horse with black and red hair (yarn and strips of bandanna). Needless to say that when we got home later that night she finally named her horse, "Bandanna".

Not only did she get to keep her horse, but she also got to ride in the 'Stick Horse Race" down in the arena between shows! Most of the other kids rode their horse, and Mackenzie just stood there loving on her horse. Oh well, maybe next year she will go more than two feet toward the finish line! She LOVED IT.

She also loved the, bull riding, bronco riding, cow roping and all the other fun stuff. Until around 9:00 when she said she wanted to go home. The she repeated herself around 9:15, so we left. I thought maybe she was tired, but NOOOOO. She stayed up until midnight loving on Bandanna and RIDING her around the house. Yes, she wouldn't ride during the race, but at home she rode like and old pro. Thanks Mom.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so fun! We're debating on taking Sawyer to a rodeo...I think he'd love it, but he's also not good at sitting still, so we'll see!


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