Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I turned 15-weeks pregnant on Monday, and again forgot to take a belly picture.  Yesterday my belly really seemed to pop out there, so the next pic I post should actually make me look pregnant.  I'm serious.  A lady even commented in the store about hoping my baby #2 is a good sleeper.

I saw my midwife for our monthly check-up and everything looked great.  Well, almost.  My blood pressure is really low (it was 88/62) but there is nothing you can do about that.  The low blood pressure issue causes many women to faint throughout pregnancy; and is very common if you already have a naturally low blood pressure.  The reason it can drop even lower in pregnancy is because your blood volume is ever increasing through 28 weeks and sometimes your hemoglobin just doesn't catch up quite fast enough.  Oops!   Hopefully I will not be faining throughout this pregnancy.  Actually, I hope I won't faint again, at all.  But; it is altogether harmless to both me and baby.

Baby was kicking and flipping and swimming around like (s)he was having a lot of fun in there.  The heartbeat was strong 152bpm and I am measuring 14cm.  I have also gained 6.5 pounds since this pregnancy started.

I also have pictures of Mackenzie to post if I ever get around to it.  She is looking so grown up all of a sudden.  Potty training is going much better.  She is only patient enough to potty train half a day, so she gets to run around naked all morning.  Then when she starts to act tired for her nap we put the diaper back on.  That is when the potty accidents and grumpiness starts, so we just stop for the rest of the day.  This method is working really well; and the fact that she likes to sit backwards on the big potty.  I know she is only 2, but she seems so grown up.  Her personality is so sweet and she is very opinionated.  I hope baby #2 is just like her...I just love her so much (except for the sleeping thing; baby #2 can sleep through the night).

We are trying to get our diagnostic ultrasound appointment set for Friday, June 4th.  That is the one where they check all of the organs, measure the baby, estimate the due date (again) and check the gender if you want to know.  I want to know, so hopefully in just over 2-weeks time we will know if baby #2 is a boy or a girl and we can start calling him/her a him or her or by name or whatever seems appropriate.

I will try to post pictures tomorrow and update blog soon.  Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that everything is looking and sounding good! I am ready to see a pic that makes you actually look preggo, because so far, I think you might just be making this whole thing up :) Also, so happy to hear that potty training is going well, keep it up. How are the tantrums these days? You need anything, a day out, a meal, let me know! Miss ya :)


Thank you for your comments and suggestions. Maybe your questions and ideas will be featured next!