Friday, March 15, 2019

Alternate Reality - Dream - 9/30/2014

Title:  Alternate Reality - Natalie In Alice's Wonderland

Interpretation: I am interpreting this dream first, that way when you read it, it might make sense.  It will be difficult for me to put onto paper, and there were some really long parts that I will shorten.  I had this dream early in the morning on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 (the last day of the month).  This dream was so weird and bizarre  that when I woke up I actually wished I had not dreamed it and I said to the Lord, "Ugg.  That was awful.  Lord, why did I dream that dream?  I mean, does it actually have a meaning?" 

I heard, very loud and clear, "Yes!  It means (then He dropped in my spirit the famous line from Alice In Wonderland) "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?"
-Alice In Wonderland

Wow!!!!  That quote EXACTLY describes my dream.  And I felt a huge warning bell go off inside of me when I finally fully woke up.  This warning was not about 'others', but about Christians. 

First, that we should be careful in what we promise or say 'OK' to...really think through the consequences.

Second, to not allow ourselves to be bullied or 'talked into' or 'pressured' into something.  To stand strong and pure with Backbone and Courage for Christ.

Third, if you have already been 'sucked into' this alternate reality, it is not too late to get out (reminds me of the Prodigal series Jim just completed).  But, it will be too late, so get out now.  In the dream, we barely made it out.  We thought we were not going to make it!

Fourth, this is our world today, backwards, nonsense, everything is what is shouldn't be.  It has been left to man to make this world, and man has turned it upside-down.  But we Christians are to live not in nonsense or backwardness.  We are called to still live properly, rightly, forward; the way God intended it to be.

Fifth, I am leaving it open.  This dream seemed to hit me on so many levels that it is difficult to type on a sheet of paper or two.  What is the Lord telling you?

Setting: This dream had 2 settings.  The first was at the local Katy Whole Foods Store.  It was clean, peaceful and orderly.  The name 'Whole Foods' signifying God's whole food!  The second setting was the alternate reality.  It was a dark, topsy turvy, dirty, neon flashing lights type shopping mall that attempted to look like whole foods.  It was a poor imitation with no food in sight.  At first it didn't seem so bad, but then it began to smell bad, get loud, and feel dirty.  Also felt lonely and lost.  Also, I note that in the dream, the moment we are sucked into the alternate reality we (the Christians) do not stop to look around or 'enjoy' this place, but rather we begin to look for a way out immediately.

The Dream:

Our local Katy Whole Foods has begun a new thing where they allow 'local' citizens to share their talents with everyone.  They set aside a 1 hour time slot each week for this.  

In the past they have had local painters help teach children to paint, local singers sing, local poets recite and so on.  It was wonderful and always lighthearted.  

In the dream my 'cousin' Brad heard about this, and he asked me if I would play his music over the microphone one week so that he may get 'discovered'.  

I refused him many times because I didn't think his music was what I would want to promote, but one day, out of desperation for him to leave me alone, I agreed.  I didn't think much of the agreement because I honestly thought he would never know if I didn't do it.  I was wrong.  

He immediately called the Whole Foods and set it up over the phone for his music to be the next weeks talent show.  He informed them that I would bring the music.  Then, he promptly sent me his music electronically.  Before the next weeks time slot I found time to listen to his music and I was HORRIFIED.  It was shocking and satanic heavy metal.  Nothing that I would play or that Whole Foods would allow.  

I attempted to call him to cancel, but the dream jumped ahead to the time of the talent slot.  I arrived at the Whole Foods and began to tell the talent slot leaders (there were 4 of them, also Christians) that there was no way I could play this music because it was not appropriate.  They began to agree with me and started to set up some easy listening music instead, but then Brad called the Whole Foods and began to threaten them (how he knew we were not playing the music, I do not know.  It was as if he could see and hear what we were doing.)  The threats were big, scary and real, so as we all argued and we finally decided that playing just one song would appease him and we could get it over with and stopped after that.  

I opened my iPad where the music was stored and it was missing.  Actually, I was relieved.  It was as if God had deleted the music for me.  I tried to tell my cousin that the music was gone.  He was yelling and threatening very irrationally.  We looked and looked for the music while this other easy listening music was playing and half the time slot had already passed.  What happened next would change our lives and teach us a lesson.  

We (in unison...5 of us, me and the 4 Christian whole foods employees) agreed to get his music and play it next week to make it right.  At that very moment of agreeing with the 'world' we were sucked into my iPad and placed into an alternate reality (just like Alice In Wonderlands dream).  -Creepy and Bizarre.  Gives me the heby jeebies just thinking about it.-  

We are now in this place that is also called Whole Foods, but there was nothing whole about it, and there was no food to be seen anywhere.  It was HUGE.  It was full of large, wide hallways and there were single and double doors everywhere.  We didn't know which way to turn or go.  It was like a huge maze.  There were people everywhere, and no one looked happy.  Some were alone, and others were in groups, but everyone looked lonely and lost.  

It was dark, there just wasn't enough light.  There were neon signs everywhere, and as we began to walk down the main corridor it began to smell bad and get really loud.  It was 'music'.  Actually, it was my cousin's music.  

The music was almost tangible, like it could reach out and touch us.  The 5 of us began to frantically search for an exit, a way out, a way home.  As we approached one door to look through the tiny window we saw Alice In Wonderland.  She was looking through the window too.  She turned to us and looked so innocent and lost.  She said to me, "I'm lost.  I can't find my way home.  Please help me."  Knowing that I didn't know where she lived and didn't know where my home was either, I began to step away from her (the other 4 with me walked more quickly as she began to try to engage in conversation with me).  I told her that I couldn't help her because I didn't know how to get home, and that we were trying to find our way home too.  

I turned and began walking quickly to catch up with the other 4 people I was with.  At that moment Alice changed.  She let out this evil cackle, laugh, scream noise and lurched at me with her claws and tried to grab me.  While lurching toward me she said, I will never let you leave.  You are stuck here with me.  

We began to RUN.  Really run.  And Alice chased after us.  The lights, smells, sounds and running were terrifying.  We didn't know how to get out and were afraid we would be stuck here, but then we heard a faint calling.  It was the Holy Spirit.  He told us which way to run and how to get out.  So we ran and ran the direction the Spirit was calling us.  

We spotted the one set of large glass double doors that lead outside.  We knew that if we could simply get through those doors we would be safe, home.  

Alice got closer and barely missed us by inches and others joined in trying to catch us.  When we got close enough to the 'exit' doors we literally jumped and flew through the doors (our feet never touching the floor).  We reached the fountain outside and looked back, huffing and puffing, and saw that the doors would not open for anyone else.  Alice and the others chasing us were left behind.  

We were free and home.  We were immediately flooded with peace and comfort, and also repentance.  We would never again, not one of us, make such a seemingly small yet negatively impactive promise again; no matter how much we were pestered. We would stand up tall and courageous for what is right.  

Also, I must say that we felt like 'time' was running out and that we would not get out in time.  When we did get out we felt like we 'barely' made it by the last millisecond.  

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