Friday, March 22, 2013

Spinach Wrap Dinner

This is a twist to the normal fajita dinner, and instead it is a spinach wrap dinner.  Very tasty and light, yet filling.

First I began roasting the veggies of choice: cauliflower and eggplant in a little extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of kosher salt.  Roast in the oven at 415* for about 20-25 minutes, or until eggplant is soft and cauliflower is caramelizing.  Done!

Than I began making a potato salad (yes, to go in the wrap).  Cube and boil potato of choice until soft about 12-20 minutes depending on the potato you choose.  Once done I drained then added minced garlic, coconut milk, cilantro and a dollop of veganise to the hot pot.  Re-added the potatoes and mixed together. Done!

Finally I chopped up some tomato and lettuce and we all sat down to fill and eat our spinach tortillas!  Yummm!

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