Friday, February 1, 2019

Wedding Banquet - Vision

"In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."  Acts 2:17

I have mentioned in the past that the Lord speaks to me in both dreams and visions.  Out of the two dreams are the majority way He speaks to me, but I also hear Him in many other ways.  Often times just that still small voice spoken about in 1 Kings.

"The He said, "Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord."  And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind and earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice."  1 Kings 19:11-12 

Back in 2008 my mom encouraged me to begin journaling and keeping a record of the dreams He gives me, so over the past several years I have attempted to do so.  I fall extremely lacking in attempting to grasp the fullness of feeling, depth and emotions in these dreams, and I have not been faithful to record each and every one of them.  Looking back I wish I had heeded her advice to keep ALL of my dreams no matter how insignificant they seemed at the time.  Even more, I wish I had recorded all the dreams I have had since the Lord began giving them to me back in 1987.  I do remember some as if I had them last night, but many are lost to the deep recesses of my mind.

Lately I have felt a strong tug of the Lord to put some the dreams 'out there'.  So here I am.  Putting some dreams out here on this blog.

Read these, see what the Lord might be saying to you.  And know that He still speaks to us today!

This first one I am sharing with you today was actually a vision.

Wedding Banquet

I was sitting on the floor in a small group worship time when I had this vision back in 2008. 

The feeling of this vision was: The wedding banquet of Christ, the body is the bride.  Amazing, beautiful, stunning, overwhelming.  Encouragement for the church.


This vision is literally the reception banquet/ball/gala after the wedding of the body of Christ (Bride) to her groom Christ Himself.

It is dusk outside although it is still very light and easy to see, as if the sun will never really set, but the dusk gives atmosphere.  

There is a long line of literally millions of people (thousands from every nation, origin and era of the earth) lining up to enter what looks like a huge stone palace.  The front doors of the palace were ornately carved out of a hard wood, they stood at least 3 stories tall, and they were open.  On either side of the walkway leading up to the front door were tall lamp stands and lanterns lit with glowing candles and tied off with gold and purple ribbons.  Music floated across the air, and everyone was excited to enter and see her groom as a newly married couple.

Every person in this long line was dressed in a wedding gown (men and women).  Not the white, American wedding gown we are use to, but almost a wedding robe, some with pants and some without, but all were almost ankle length.  

Each robe/gown was made especially for each person.  Every one of the gowns was unique and stunning.  All of them were made of heavenly material and were seamless.  Some were layers upon layers of fabric and others were simply one or two layers, as if each person had their preference and these gowns were custom ordered.  Some were white fabric with gold and scarlet ropes woven into them.  Others were blues and purples with silver accents.  There were colors I have never seen before, and no two gowns were alike.  The gowns were trimmed with precious stones that sparkled, tassels that swayed or bells that softly chimed with the person’s movements.  Each person was also wearing a crown upon his or her head, again each one unique and specially made.

Although I must have been in that line for a long amount of time it only felt like moments before I was approaching the front doors (as if time did not exist anymore and waiting was not an issue).  When I was only a few people back from the entrance I realized that Christ Himself was standing at the door greeting each person.  He was also wearing a robe like everyone else’s, but he was also wearing multiple sashes with writing on them. Then my turn came. 

Standing just outside the doorway I saw a huge banquet/ball room.  The floors were a golden stone and each table had to be as long as a football field.  

The tables were decorated with flowers of every color and live birds sitting down the center runners of each table.  The food was surrounding these extravagant centerpieces.  Dishes I could never imagine.  

Hanging from the ceiling and walls were banners, veils and drapes of every color and fabric imaginable.  Each one with its own meaning.  The people that were seated were already eating and laughing and singing to the music that filled the air, yet it was not loud to be surrounded by so many. 

Once in the doorway, Christ took me by the arm and escorted me, with love and tenderness, to my seat.  He pulled out my chair and invited me to eat and enjoy.  He then returned to the doorway and escorted the next person.  Christ met and escorted each and every person to his or her seat with the most love and tenderness a groom could give to his new bride.  

Once everyone was seated and eating, Christ then began with the first person again and took him or her onto the dance floor and danced with them.  He danced a first dance with every single person (His Bride) in the room.  

When my turn came to dance it was as if I was surprised and delighted that Christ was standing behind me with His hand out.  I took His hand and as we walked to the dance floor all I could do was feel His love and hear the music.  As we danced, I noticed not another person in the room.  It felt as if we danced for an eternity, and He was singing in my ear as we glided across the floor.  Then when we were done He escorted me back to my chair.  

The evening seemed to never end.

That was the end of my vision.

Romans Road:

Friends, this may have been a vision, but it was more REAL than real.  More real than anything I have experienced here on earth.  The very air was alive and life giving. 

Don't let this moment pass you by. 

One day there will be a bridal banquet, and my hope is that you will be one of the millions there to eat of its food.

Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God."  


Romans 6:23 states "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Death for sin is bad news, but it doesn't end there.

Romans 5:8 says that "God demonstrates His love toward us, in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Wonderful, a way out of sin and death has been made.  Now what?

Romans 10:9-10 declares "That if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation"

Yes, salvation form sin and death, and all we have to do is confess and believe!

Romans 10:13 says "For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

So yes, this very moment, no matter where you are or who you have been, you can call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!

Don't hesitate.  Call on Him now!

Don't forget to leave a comment below to say hello, sign up for my weekly blog post in the side bar, and share with your friends!

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