Friday, February 15, 2019

Commander In Chief - Vision - 2007

I had this Vision in church in early 2007.

During the church service we were led to get on our knees before the Lord.  While on my knees the room opened up before my eyes and I saw this vision.

I saw Jesus standing in front of me dressed in full military dress.

He told me, "I am your Commander in Chief.  Not simply your Father, not only your Savior, but your commander in Chief.  When I enter the room you are suppose to stand at Attention awaiting orders.  My orders may be 'At Ease' or they could be tactical orders in preparation for war.  When I enter the room you are to stand at attention and await orders."

The vision ended.

I had a second Vision in church in March 2007 that goes along with the vision above.  

During worship the church faded away and I saw the following in my mind's eye.

There was a great multitude of people standing in one direction.  A huge crowd that spanned the Ages.  Every time period, every race both male and female were there.  The crowd was like the sea, larger than my eyes could behold.

Then I saw Jesus ride up on a white horse and stop in front of the crowd.  He was sitting very strong and majestic on the horse.  Jesus was adorned in a Royal Robe, a sash, a crown...the splendor of a King.

The crowd was going WILD, not "worshiping" or "praising", but screaming, "Yeah.  Wooh.  Alright..." and jumping up and down with uncontrollable excitement.  This went on for several minutes.  Then.  Jesus stepped down off the horse and all at once the entire crowd fell quiet and dropped to their knees in complete adoration for God.

This seemed to be just before the final battle.

The vision ended.

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