Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Life Is A Sitcom

Now that Micah is 3-weeks old I can look back on the past 3-weeks and see that my life has become a series of short, funny, sitcom moments.

I suppose the very first moment was actually during my labor with Micah.  Mackenzie and I were home alone (Mackenzie is 2.5 years old), and she was taking pictures of me during the difficult stage of transition.  It didn't end there though.  When I was in the water and getting ready to push, Mackenzie got out her new toddler fork and proceeded to rub my belly with the prongs.  It did not bother me, but seriously?  Don't get me wrong, I loved having Mackenzie at the birth.  Actually, I think she kept me focused and grounded; not to mention feeling loved. 

(Picture of me taken by Mackenzie during transition.  I was thinking, "If someone does not walk through that door in 2 minutes I am going to cry."  Wayne and my backup Midwife walked in :)

The most recent sitcom type moment was last night.  For two hours Wayne and I kept trying to go to sleep, but one of the kids kept interrupting.  First of all, Micah went through 6 poop diapers in that time, but before he would poop he would spit up (outfit change), and after he would get cleaned off he would want to eat because he had spit up all his food.  6 TIMES!  Good thing he is such a good baby :)  But since we use cloth diapers and only have 8 of them for Micah we had to go do laundry since he just used 6 diapers and was wearing number 7.  We know he uses one in the middle of the night and one first thing in the morning.  And if that wasn't enough, Mackenzie kept needing Daddy.  First she wanted milk, then she was cold, then she wanted to get 'snuggly', then more milk. 

So add: 1 load of laundry + 2 milk runs + 1 extra blanket + 1 snugly + 6 diaper changes + 6 spit ups + 6 feedings all in 2 hours = 23 separate things! 

Wayne's comment to all of this was, "Why do I even try to go to bed?" 

Hey Daddy, we have 2 kids that mostly sleep through the night and this was hopefully a one time thing, and only lasted 2 hours.  Try staying home with them all day and see what type of sitcom moments take place. 

Anyway, I ended up laughing out loud more than once last night, and when we all finally went to sleep at Midnight we slept pretty good, so no complaints; but couldn't you see that scene in a movie or something?

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