Monday, May 4, 2009

Walking, Running & A Temper

You guessed it...Mackenzie is 'officially' walking on her own free will. I say that because although she has been taking steps on her own, just yesterday she started standing up from a sitting position and walking over to what she wants and either sitting back down or just standing to play. Also, just for fun, she walks in a circle through one side of our kitchen, out the other side, through the living room and back into the kitchen.

Yesterday she put on my tennis shoes and began walking in them. Wayne caught a good picture, so I will post that when I have a free moment to actually upload pictures.

Now, for the running and temper I mentioned in the title.

Mackenzie has recently acquired a little temper. Mostly I just try to divert her attention when she begins to throw a tantrum, or simply ignore it so I don't cause her to throw them by giving extra attention, BUT if she decides it is time for a battle of the wills...we must do more. I'm not sure what the more is yet, but it needs to be something. I have stopped and prayed with her, and that helped.

What do these tantrum's look like? Well, if she doesn't get what she wants when she wants it she starts SCREAMING in a VERY HIGH PITCHED voice. The very voice I had as a child, so I can't get to upset about that :) If she is in your arms and you are taking something away from her (for good reason I might add) she will simply lean over and bite you. If she is standing up and you tell her 'No' because she is going for lamp wires or something else not suitable for a 1-year old she shuts her eyes and takes off running. As you can imagine, she will run into a wall or a dog or a table and then really cry. So, this is the stage we are in right now.

Don't get me wrong. Most of the time she is a loving, snugly, kissing, hugging, playing sweetheart, but sometimes....??? What should we do? I hope this doesn't last too long :)


  1. Wow - sounds exactly like a little boy I live with. Mine has now outgrown running until he hurts himself and replaced that with finding the perfect spot on the floor and then violently throwing himslef facedown to pitch his fit. If I find things that work, I'll let you know for sure. I do seem to get less anger if I feed him snacks more often during the day, but as for what to do once he is mad? I have no clue.

  2. Oh my gosh...not fun! (The temper part, anyway--the walking part is really fun!) I don't know what to do necessarily as we're running into the beginnigs of this now, but I do know that dealing with it when they're this age will help us through those teenage years!! Hang in there!

  3. I started time out at 1 yrs old. It only took him a couple times to get it! Of course at 1 they are not going to sit in the corner so I used the pack in play as time out for 1 minute. I slowly worked towards a nauty mat closer to 2 and then went to 2 minutes. Now at three it is the bottom step for 3 mins. I give him one warning and then he goes (which is not often because he knows I will follow through). GOOD LUCK!

  4. Thanks for the advice. I will try that. Saying "No" in my scary voice is not working...she cracks up laughing.


Thank you for your comments and suggestions. Maybe your questions and ideas will be featured next!