Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mackenzie Sayings

I know, I still need to post pictures. Maybe at nap time today I will actually post some :)

But in the meantime here are some Mackenzie Sayings:

Whenever she sees a lady with pretty shoes on she says, "Cute Shoes."

If she sees something she likes (flowers, a dog, pretty pictures) she says, "Nice." With the same tone that Joey on Friends says, "How You Doin'?"

If she wants you to not move, she says with great feeling, "STAY."

When you are preparing her food, or you have food she says, "MummMum."

If you are doing something for her, often times she says, "Let me do it."

There is another one that I can't think of right now where she speaks with a VERY TEXAS DRAWL. -LOL- It is so funny because Daddy has an English accent, so when the Texas comes out he just looks at me and laughs. Needless to say we have made fun of each other's accents on occasion over the past 7 years of marriage, and the fact that his daughter is picking up on some of the words where my accent really shows up is quite funny to me.

1 comment:

  1. I can't get over how much she says! Chatty girls! Sawyer is just now starting to move toward talking intentionally. Or...maybe he'll just keep saying da da da ma ma ba ba...


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