Saturday, April 25, 2009

4 Nights and Counting

Many of you know that my daughter Mackenzie pretty much hates to sleep. And for most of her life when she did fall asleep she would only stay that way for 1-2 hours at a time. She is a very light sleeper, and if she thinks she is missing anything...she wins.

A few months ago I began putting Young Living's Lavender essential oils on the bottom of her feet just before her bedtime routine to help her sleep, and it worked. Instead of waking up every 1-2 hours she would wake up every 3-4 hours which meant instead of me waking up 6-8 times a night I was now only waking up 3-4 times a night. When you are not sleeping that is a great improvement.

Well, I ran out of Lavender and I was not ready to order more yet. Literally, the night I quit using the Lavender Mackenzie began fighting to get to sleep and then went back to her horrible routine of waking every 2 hours. Ahhhhhh! What could I do?

Then I went to a Young Living seminar and found out that the essential oil Valor can also work as well (if not better) as Lavender. So what did I do starting 4 nights ago? I put Valor on Mackenzie's feet just before her bedtime routine and PRAISE BE TO GOD...she only woke up 1 time in the night. You heard me right. For 4 nights straight now I have been using the Valor and she has only woken up ONCE each night. This is a miracle, and another testament to why I LOVE Young Living Essential Oils.

Now I have my Lavender, my Valor and my other 9 Every Day Oils and the Thieves Kit (which, by-the-way, I LOVE).

Young Living Oils are AMAZING (and 100% therapeutic grade and pure. No additives, so you can even eat them without harm), and if you don't know anything about them, their uses or what they can do for you and your family feel free to contact me. I am completely sold, and not just because of the sleep. They have been helpful in my own family for reducing fevers, taking away pain, removing a sty from my eye, removing a cold sore in 12 hours, stopping snoring, soothing PMS and arthritis, cleaning without toxic name it, there is an all natural oil that can help (or even several oils that can help).

So, for now...WE ARE SLEEPING AT THE SHERWOOD HOME. I will let you know how things continue :)

***For more information on Young Living Products you can visit or contact me. Member # 1069772***


  1. That's so cool! Are you selling it now too? I'll have to talk to you and Kelly about it. I know Hannah's using them too.

  2. Yes, I am also selling them. They are AWESOME, and I Highly Recommend. I have a dozen personal testimonies already with these oils.

  3. By-the-way, if you do decide to purchase or sign up for the oils be sure to contact Kelly...she told you about them first :)

  4. I'm glad you discovered Aromatherapy for your Baby! I know a few nurseries that use citrus/vanilla essential oils and absolutes in daycare after naptime! It really get's them perky!
    Pure Essential Oils with carrier oils can even fragrance clothing in a dryer sheet or moist cloth!


Thank you for your comments and suggestions. Maybe your questions and ideas will be featured next!