Friday, January 18, 2019

Moved! (Part 3)

Now we had an offer on the table for the blue house, and it was time to also put our house on the market to sell.

Immediately God began speaking to me.  Much of the messages He spoke seemed very cryptic at first, but looking back we can see how each and every word He spoke fit perfectly into His plan.

From the very beginning God said to me "I've Got This."  Seems like funny words coming from the God of the universe, but He said them nonetheless.  Those words said so much to me.

First, they said that He does indeed 'have this' blue hose buying, and current house selling situation.  He is in control no matter what we think, or what could possible come down the road.

Second, it seemed to be a warning that this would not turn out to be the simple buy-and-sell process that we expected.  A reminder for us to lean on Him when confusion and trials come.  Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Another thing He kept repeating to me was the words "1-week."  Although He said 1-week, He never did tell me exactly what that 1-week meant.  Hubby and I made various speculations.  Everything from 'we will sell our house in 1-week' to we will sell our house with just 1-week left on our contract.  But this 1-week phrase kept us on our toes and on our knees in prayer with God.  After-all, He was the only one that could answer the questions about His timing.  We ended up accepting the offer 1-week before our original closing date of June 8th, 2018.

Then God started speaking to me in dreams...again.

I had two dreams that both happened in real life just as they had played out in my sleeping hours.

The first dream was me in our house and many people coming wanting to buy it.  Two of the people that wanted to buy our house in the dream were people I recognized from our neighborhood.

Well, that happened.  We had over 30 people come to look at our home.  That feels like a lot when you home-school 3 kids and have to keep the house clean and make yourself disappear at any given time so strangers can come look at your home.  Also, two of the people that wanted to buy our house were from our neighborhood!  One was the newly married children of some neighbors of ours, but they were not sure they could scrape together the money or not.  And another one was a couple that was buying a larger house in the neighborhood and didn't like how the inspection reports came back, so they were trying to decide if they should make an offer on our home or not.

Then I had another dream.  In this dream we had 3 offers on our home and in the end of it all had to choose which offer we were suppose to take.

Guess what?  That dream also happened.  We had one offer on the house that we decided not to take.  Then we had two more offers and we had to decide which one we was for us.

The offers were actually pretty stressful because they were basically the same offer by different people, and they all came near the very end of our contract period.  It all came down to timing.  We were running out of time for when we needed to close on the Blue House, so we needed to choose the offer that would fit into that time frame and not drag out the selling process even longer.

You see, the sellers of the Blue House said that they simply would not extend our closing date, so if we accepted an offer that dragged out the closing of our house then we may be left homeless due to the owners of the Blue House not cooperating with us for an extension.

So, we prayed.  We prayed and prayed and prayed.  We did not want to move twice.  We didn't want to go hunting for another home when it took us years to find this one.  We didn't want to be homeless trying to find a place to live in a lurch.  We were down to the wire for our contracted closing date on the Blue House.  It was the end of May, and our closing date on the new house was set for June 8, 2018.  Yikes!

So what did we do?  I sent out text messages to some of my prayer team friends and asked them to pray.

I also sent messaged to a few of my close prophetic prayer teammates and asked them to let me know if the Lord told them anything about me to let me know.  (I did not give them details about my situation because I wanted them to hear from the Lord and not be swayed by my personal details.)

Wayne and I sat in the closet and prayed a lot.  God spoke a lot.  But the decision was ultimately ours.  Do we move forward and lean on God, or do we pull the plug and stop now?

I told God that if this all worked out and we did indeed close on our New Blue House on the official closing date that I would make a stone of remembrance to sit at the front door: Established - June 8, 2018 - By the Glory of God

After all those prayers and prophetic messages coming in from my friends and all the words the Lord had been speaking I decided that Wayne and I needed to sit with two men that I have known, loved and trusted since I was a small child.  They are both prayer warriors and prophetic prayer ministers, and maybe what they would say would make sense of this situation for us and help us decide.

The men agreed to let us come sit with them, and they prophesied over us, then they listed to what was going on, gave advice and prayed.  We left feeling like we should keep moving forward.

I'm sure that everyone we spoke to throughout this particular time thought we should just stop, but that was not what Wayne and I were feeling.  Would we pass this test or go down in a brilliant flame of destruction?

You see, at this moment in time we had the ability to halt everything.  We could not accept the offers on the table to sell our house.  Then our contract on the new house would fall through because of the inability to sell our current home and close timely.  We would simply stay where we were, lose our earnest money and and continue life as usual.

The problem was, I knew that God was calling us to something different, and I also knew that if we didn't move now we probably never would move and step out to that something more that God was calling us to.  It reminded me of that dream I had about my hubby's birthday where we were all still in the same place, a family, but discontent and not living to the potential God had for us.

Or, we had the power to accept one of the offers on our house.  Pray it would close on time (the realtors and title companies said it was impossible to close that quickly because turnaround was longer than 3-weeks.  They insisted that we WOULD NOT close by June 8th.  Period.). 

Or not close on time and know we have to now look for another home while living in a temporary place and moving twice.

Since we felt like we must move forward to obey God, which offer do we accept?

Will we sell and close on our house in time to close on the new home?  According to the Title company that was impossible.  But we serve a God that make the impossible possible.


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