Friday, January 11, 2019

Moved! (Part 2)

Somehow that house sat on the market and stayed available through four months of my husband's busy season at work!  I almost couldn't believe it, but in my mind it was the power of prayer.  God had a plan for us there and was giving us every opportunity to move.  Well, until He would eventually remove that opportunity.  Opportunities don't stick around forever; especially if we are refusing them.

One night a few weeks after hubby's busy season ended I woke from a deep sleep and sat bolt straight in my bed.  I woke my husband up and told him that we were suppose to make an offer on the house in the morning.  He said, "I'm not ready to make an offer" rolled over and went back to sleep.

That afternoon the realtor called and informed us that an offer had been made on the blue house, did we want to put in an offer also?  We had been keeping in touch with the realtor over the months, and he knew we were interested. 

Once during our many conversations the realtor said he simply couldn't figure out why this house hadn't sold yet.  There had been previous offers that had fallen through, but each one for strange reasons.  There had been nothing wrong with the surveys and inspections.

I told him that the kids and I had been praying for God to hold the house for us, and he replied, "So, you're my problem."  Then he gave a hearty laugh with a twinkle in his eye. 

So, are we going to make a secondary offer?

No.  The answer was no!

I couldn't believe it.

I thought this was what we fought for, striven toward.  To get through the busy season and then move where the Lord was leading us.  Why not make an offer?

My husband wanted to wait and see what would happen with the offer on the table.  He didn't want to get into a bidding war.  He said that if this truly was the house God had for us then the offer would fall through.

Ok.  Well, that became our prayer.  We prayed for that offer to fall through.

The lady that made the offer on the house had inspections completed and we waited.  Every day I waited expecting to hear that she either pulled out or that the house was past the option period and sold.  I waited, prayed and waited some more. 

Suddenly, just before her option period ended the realtor let us know that the lady that made the offer decided to pull out because there was not enough room on the land for a barn, RV pad, horse grazing and a pool.  Hallelujah!  The house was back on the market.

Then, I had a dream.  I not only believe that God still speaks to us today, but I KNOW He still speaks to us today.  He speaks in many ways, but the real question is, are we listening?  One of the ways the Lord speaks to me is through dreams.

(This dream took place 6 years into the future.)

I had this dream in the early morning hours of the night (around 3:30am).  It was a blurred vision with only the center of it being clear and the outside edges were blurred as in an effect of an old movie.  The tone of the vision was a darker yellow gold. 

We were in our current starter house, and I was feeling disenchanted.  The kids were older (6 years older) and also seemed dulled down and internally unhappy.  It was my husband's 45th birthday and we had a white cake with strawberries on it and candles lit on the top.  Hubby was dressed in his business clothes and had become quite successful, but seemingly unfulfilled.  We were singing happy birthday to him and bringing him his cake in the breakfast room to blow out the candles.  It was a sweet moment, but the underlying emotion was dissatisfaction and frustration. 

In the dream I had a short conversation with the Lord in my head.  I asked Him (in my mind), "Why are we still here?"  (I was asking why were we still in our same house not living the life God intended for us.  Yes, we still loved and obeyed God, but His full plan was being staunched.)  God answered me.  He said, "Because he does not know how to reach out and grasp the wonderful things set before him.  Instead he is always waiting for something better.  So he waits afraid that he will miss out on the best thing instead of living the wonderful life in front of him now."

Honestly, I was both sad and angry when a flashback of various opportunities rose up in my minds eye and each of them had been passed by.

The dream ended.

I woke up from that dream knowing that God had spoken to me, and also know that I had to share this with my husband.  

When we talked about the dream he took a deep breath and realized that the dream was 100% accurate.  He was determined to break that fear from himself in order to not allow the spirit of disillusionment to take hold.  He set his mind to moving forward wherever the Lord spoke for us to move.  Now the real battle was to begin.

We made an offer on the blue house.

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