Wednesday, January 23, 2013


A lot of my posts have had a negative undertone lately, so let's lighten things up a bit and talk about Soursop :)  Huh?  What is that?  Good question!

Soursop is a very powerfully healthy fruit.  I have yet to try one as I seem unable to find it anywhere, but rest assured that when I do spot some soursop I will be giving it a try!

The taste of this fruit is described as a combination of pineapple, strawberry and citrus fruit flavors with the creamy touch of banana or coconut.  It can be eaten raw or juiced. 

Unfortunately I can not grow soursop here in the good 'ole USofA unless I live in Florida or Hawaii.  This fruit loves humid, hot and dry conditions, and even the slightest drop in temperatures can kill the tree.

The real wow factor?  Apparently this fruit has a wonderful ability to kill cancer!?!?!  For more on that click here.  Since I have no personal knowledge of this I will just leave it to the article to explain.  So go find some soursop and enjoy!

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