Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Various Subjects

Yesterday was a BIG day for the Sherwood Family...at least in my opinion. 

This first subject you may not want to read about as it pertains to potty training, so if not please skip down to the next paragraph.  Mackenzie had a HUGE breakthrough yesterday.  She aked to go potty then sent me out of the restroom and made me close the door.  A moment later she called me in and she had gone poo poo on the potty!  We made a very big deal over this and she got three M&M's and a prize from her pink potty grab bag!!!!  Great days ahead, I just know it.

Mackenzie's little friend had his 3rd Birthday and party yesterday at the park and Mackenzie had a wonderful time; until, that is, Saw's baby brother Lincoln decided to 'share' his cupcake with everyone around.  To fully appreciate what I am saying please visit HERE.  You can read the story and see photo evidence.  This so tramatized her that even after having a great time playing on the playground again that when we were in the car to go home I aked her if she had fun and she anounced that it was awful!  This kid crackes me up.

Then, on another note another friend of mine had baby #3 last night! 

Now off to Family Fun Day.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry my kid ruined my other kid's birthday for your kid! Lol. That was too funny. But sorry we upset MacKenzie! It really did kind of crack me up though, Lincoln leaving a trail of destruction.


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