Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mackenzie Milestones

Mackenzie has met some major milestones lately.  Actually, they were all met before Micah was born, but I wanted to make sure they stuck before posting.

Jumping with both feet off the floor
No more bottles
Staying dry all night

That first milestone was a big one!  We had trouble getting Mackenzie to even attempt to jump, and when sh would neither of her feet left the ground.  The doctors said it was because she was so tall at such a young age, but they really wanted her to pass this milestone.  One day I checked out the Disney movie Jump In from the library.  This is a double dutch movie, and Mackenzie LOVED it.  Before we knew it she was pretending to jump rope and you guessed it...both of her feet left the ground.  Now she jumps all the time :)

The second milestone was another BIG one for our household.  I know we should have stopped the bottle a year ago, but since she nursed and was not bottle fed she actually didn't start the bottle until she was about a year old (maybe older), and when she did start the bottle she fell in love with it and milk.  We went through this whole thing where she wouldn't drink milk from anything other than a bottle, and she would only use the bottle to drink milk.  Also, she went through like a gallon of milk every 2-3 days!  No matter what we tried we simply could not wean her.  Once her reasoning skills grew stronger I began telling her that when her bottle broke we were not going to replace it.  Broke?  Yes, broke.  She had this habit of chewing through the nipples, so we were always replacing them.  She was finally down to one last nipple and when that was gone we would not buy more.  Guess what?  It worked.  When she had chewed through I showed it to her and explained how it was broken.  She has not had a bottle since :)  Plus she only drinks milk once (maybe twice) a day out of her cup now.  Other side effects; she EATS LIKE A HORSE now.  That's OK by me :)

The third milestone I can't explain other than she is staying dry all night long.  I think part of it has to do with milestone number 2 and not drinking a gallon of milk every few days, and not waking up 3-4 times a night asking for milk in a bottle. 

Even though she stays dry all night she is still not potty trained.  I was told it is probably due to my pregnancy and now new baby.  OK, I will buy that for now.  Reason for not being potty trained?  She doesn't want to.  I would say she goes on the potty about half the time, but refuses to tell us when she needs to go.  I am sure this will change one least before she is married or starts dating or something.

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