Howdy Friends,
I have been absent on this blog site for about 2-years now.
I have been really busy being a mom, home-schooling my kids, tutoring at our home-school co-op. Moving, getting closer to the Lord, and writing a book. Yes, you read that correctly.
I am finally writing a book. It's my story about Guillain-Barre' Syndrome and being a survivor. What God did during that traumatic and life altering time. So stay tuned for that exciting news in the future.
Also, God has been doing some really BIG things around here. Of coarse, whenever God starts moving the enemy of our souls begins throwing up road blocks too. So I have decided to go ahead and start this blog back up to give God the G-L-O-R-Y in all of these situations.
This is just a fun, watch God work, kind of blog now. There may be insights to glean, or just stories to read. If you are so included to follow then feel free to sign up to receive my posts.
Also, if you do a search you can find some of my old posts about nutrition, what to eat, what to avoid, recipes and more. Essential oils, Guillain-Barre' and my kids all pop up in former post too, so feel free to browse.
See you soon!